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Szegő György:


The human being and his book: oeuvre of Tibor Pataki (1951). His tribute is a funerary gesture towards our Gutenberg civilisation that simultaneously expresses an expectance of miracles. Pataki’s oeuvre is a guardian of moral content. Today, on the eve of the destruction of books on a global scale, on the eve of the individual becoming superfluous, his is an important artistic act to be heeded: it is the symbolic – but also real, done-by-hand – salvaging of the book (the alter ego of the human spirit and intellect) to the visual sphere of culture, to high-quality image-based communication.

Number of pages: 116 pages
© HUNGART, 2022
© SZEGŐ György, 2022
ISBN 978-615-6534-00-2
Price: 3500 HUF